Spark [Robin_Sharma]_The_Greatness_Guide( | Page 37

do is stay devoted to them and be generous with my time ( my children have always been my number – one priority ). Here are some ideas for you to shine in the incredibly important role of parent :

Try not to teach your fears to your kids . Introduce Your children to what ’ s possible .

Lead By Example : The best way to influence your kids is to walk the talk . Model the behavior you wish to see . Don ’ t preach the beauty of books and learning and then head you ’ re your family room to watch three hours of MTV . Those little eyes watch everything you do . I talk about this in Family Wisdom from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari , which is a book that will be very helpful to you as you grow young leaders at home .
Develop your children : See yourself not just as a parent to your children but as a “ developer ” of them . It ’ s important to actively develop their minds , hearts and souls . That ’ s your job . Expose them to great art . Take them to interesting restaurants . Introduce them to cool people who produce unique ideas . JFK ’ s father would invite fabulously interesting people to dinner often . During the meal , the Kennedy kids would learn from the guest – and then quiz the visitor to deepen their learning . Smart practice .
Inspire your kids : Big idea : Parents teach their children how to view the world . Parents show kids the way the world works . And if you see the world as a place of limitation , so will those little people you are raising . Try not to teach your fears to your kids . Introduce your children to what ’ s possible . Inspire them to be great human beings who will elevate the world – in their own special way . Be an enabler .
Here ’ s a tool for you that comes from my home . Each night before my kids go to sleep . I make four statements to them . “ You can do whatever you want to do when you grow up .” “ Never Give up .” “ Whatever you do , do it well .” And “ remember how much your dad loves you .” Been doing that every night for four years . They often say , “ Dad , we know all this stuff now . We know we should never give up and how much you love us . It ’ s getting boring .” But I have a sense that one day , perhaps when I ’ m old and wrinkled , a letter will come in the mail from Colby or Bianca , my two favorite people on the planet . And on that piece of paper will be simple words saying , “ Dad , I ’ m living a great life . Thank you for being the father you wee . And thank you for those four statements each night . They made a difference .”