Spark [Robin_Sharma]_The_Greatness_Guide( | Page 28

I did a speech for the Young Presidents’ Organization the other night. Talked about leadership and how the best get better. Shared how companies can achieve stunning success by making a few simple changes and course corrections. One young entrepreneur came up to me for a chat. I asked him for the best idea he’s learned for winning. “Always be pushing the envelope,” he replied. Sure being a leader (at work or at home or in your community) is a lonely act. The very definition of being a leader means you are out in front – with no one else. Taking the road less traveled. Taking responsibility for results in a world that loves to blame and deny responsibility. Seeing possibilities that no one else has yet dreamed of. Challenging the way things are. If you were in the herd, thinking and behaving like everyone else, then you wouldn’t be a leader – you’d be a follower. And that’s no fun. Remember every great leader (or visionary or brave thinker) was initially laughed at. Now they are revered. So push the envelope. Refuse to accept anything remotely close to mediocrity. Let go of the chains that have bound you to the ordinary. And definitely leave the crowd. The only place you’ll reach if you follow the crowd is the exit. Stand for your best. Commit to excellence. Become massively innovative and wear your passion on your sleeve. They might call you different or weird or even crazy. But please remember, every great leader (or visionary or brave thinker) was initially laughed at. Now they are revered. 24. On Obituaries and the Meaning of Life I’m 41 years old. So I’m at half – time. Assuming I live until I’m 80 (and that’s a big assumption because I’ve learned that the only thing you can expect in life is the unexpected), I’m half way home – half way through the adventure I call my life. I’ve become more philosophical these days. I’m less willing to waste my time. Less willing to listen to negative people. Less willing to miss an opportunity to be loving, champion another human being, get closer to my dreams, or have some genuine fun. I’ve also started reading obituaries. When I read of the lives others have lived, I’m offered clues on what’s most important in life. Obituaries of lives well lived actually share consistent themes, I’ve discovered. Family. Friendships.