Spark [Robin_Sharma]_The_Greatness_Guide( | Page 29

Contribution to community . The need to take calculated risks . Kindness through small , simple acts . And love . I ’ ve yet to read an obituary that says , “ he died peacefully in his sleep surrounded by his lawyers , his stockbroker and his accountant .” No , the great ones all speak of being close to loved ones and of the impact the deceased had on the world around them .
To lead a beautiful life , I suggest that you need to ask the kinds of questions that will provoke you to think deeply and connect with what matters most . One of the dominant traits of so many of the extraordinary people I ’ ve worked with as a success coach is the discipline of being more reflective than most of us . So ask profound questions . Good questions lead to excellent answers and greater clarity . And greater clarity is the DNA of authentic success and personal greatness .

I ’ ve yet to read an obituary that says , “ he died peacefully in his sleep surrounded by his lawyer , his stockbroker and his accountant .”

Here are five bug questions that I hope will cause you to go deep and become more philosophical about what truly counts in your life . Most people don ’ t discover how to live until it ’ s time to die . But by then it ’ s too late . Ask yourself these five questions today . Write your answers in your journal . Talk about them . Think about them . Imagine that today is the last day of your life and you are lying on your deathbed . Then ask yourself :
Did I dream richly ? Did I live fully ? Did I learn to let go ? Did I love well ? Did I tread lightly on the earth and leave it better than I found it ?
My hope is that the answers you arrive at will help you live with more authenticity , passion and joy . Clarity really does precede success . You can ’ t hit a target you can ’ t even see . And we ’ re really not here that long , when you think about it . We ’ ll all be dust before you know it . So live your potential now . The Chinese say it so well : “ The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago . But the second best time is today .”
25 . Leadership Isn ’ t a Popularity Contest
Here ’ s an idea that just might transform your entire career ( and your life ): Being a leader ( and in my mind , every single one of us has an obligation to show leadership daily – regardless of title or position ) isn ’ t about being liked . It ’ s about doing what ’ s right . So many leaders are afraid of conflict – they have a deep – seated need to be popular and cherished . They hate ruffling feathers and making waves . They are insecure and not so comfortable living in their own skin . But great leaders are different . They fearlessly make tough calls . They speak their truth . They run their own race , making the right decisions and worrying little about public opinion . They are courage in action .