Spark [Robin_Sharma]_The_Greatness_Guide( | Page 27

Before 1954, it was believed that no runner could ever break the four – minute mile barrier. But after Roger Bannister broke it, many more replicated his feat – within weeks. Why? Because he showed people what was possible. They got a new reference point. And then armed with that belief, people did the impossible. What’s your four – minute mile? What bill of goods have you sold yourself as to what’s impossible? What false assumptions are you making in terms of what you cannot have, do and be? Your thinking creates your reality. Your beliefs truly become self – fulfilling prophecies (because your beliefs drive your actions – and you will never act in a way that is misaligned with your thinking; the size of your life reflects the size of your thinking). If you think something cannot occur in your life, then there’s no way you will take the action required to make that goal a reality. Your “impossibility thinking” manifests itself our perceived limitations become the chains that keep you from the greatness you were meant to be. And you are so much better than that. Celebrated neurosurgeon Ben Carson expressed it so well when he said: “There is no such thing as an average human being; if you have a normal brain, you are superior.” If you think something cannot occur In your life, then there’s no way you will take the Action required to make that goal a reality. Your “impossibility thinking” manifests itself. 23. Push the Envelope How big do you dream? How fast do you move? How relentlessly do you innovate? I think of Apple on the subject of innovation and their devotion to offering the world “insanely great” products. I just bought my daughter an iPod. She was extraordinarily persistent in her asking – smart kid. Such an array of iPods to select from: the Shuffle, the incredibly sleek Nano, the U2 version of the iPod. Rather than resisting on its laurels with the massive success of this product, Apple just keeps innovating, reaching for something even better.