Spark PILOT 2017 [Kumon Oak Bay Victoria] Spark PILOT 2017 [Kumon Oak Bay Victoria] | Page 4
S PA R K M a g a z i n e | P I L O T 2 0 1 7
Here’s a little known fact: The heat radiating out of us and it’s
human body, at any given moment, being wasted.”
produces energy equivalent to a
100 watt light bulb. In that sense, Once she got the flashlight to turn
we’re always wasting our energy— on, Makosinski tested her new
energy that can be used to, well, invention and found that the light
power a light bulb. It’s this line of tended to shine brighter as the
thinking that led Kumon Alunmi outside air got colder. For instance,
Ann to invent the first flashlight the flashlight started to work better
powered entirely by body heat. when the outdoor temperature
dropped from 10 to 5 degrees
“Hollow Celsius. But even in warmer envi-
Flashlight” isn’t the only manu- ronments, the hollowed flashlight
ally-powered light out there. But sustained a strong beam of light
whereas other products generate for more than 20 minutes.
energy with shaking or even hand
cranking, her award-winning pro- What’s perhaps most impressive is
totype shines the moment you pick the materials Makosinski used to
it up. build the product amounted to just
$26; if the device is mass manufac-
“I thought, why not body tured, the total cost is expected to
Have you ever thought about telling heat?” she told The Oregon be significantly less.
your story? We regularly feature Herald. “We have so much
success stories on our YouTube
channel, Facebook page and blog.
We’re always on the lookout for
authentic stories of success, curiosity
and optimism.
Success comes in many forms and
at Kumon we celebrate all of them.
If you have a story, no matter how
big or small, tell us about it at the
centre! We’ll pass it on and hopefully
we can put Kumon Oak Bay on the
map together.