Spark PILOT 2017 [Kumon Oak Bay Victoria] Spark PILOT 2017 [Kumon Oak Bay Victoria] | Page 5

S PA R K M a g a z i n e | P I L O T 2 0 1 7 KU M O N ST U DI E S 5 THE KUMON SUMMER LEARNING CHECKLIST T I PS FROM T HE KUMO N CA N A DA B LO G Summer is almost here! For many fam- 1. Computation: Keep the Math There’s a big bunch of time that has ilies, the summer brings a welcome Brain Fresh with Daily Calculations opened up in your child’s schedule pause from the routines established now that summer is upon us. That time throughout the year. Strictly busi- 2. Comprehension: Don’t Stop could be used however you want – so ness for 9 months of the year, strictly Reading in the Summer! why not try using it wisely? Ask your children to spend a little time each sunshine for the other 3 months. But hold on a second – just because it’s 3. Routine: School Stops in the day on organization-based activities. summer, doesn’t mean the routine Summer, but Life Continues At the end of the summer, take note and see if there is a change in your needs to fall-off completely, does it? 4. Organization: Summer Could At Kumon, we take summer learn- be the Perfect Time to Get your Ducks ing seriously. We even have words in a Row to describe what happens when kids take an educational hiatus in the sunny months. The summer ‘slow-down’. The “summer slide”. “Summertime Set-back”. Too much of a break from learning may create pronounced difficulties in September when they return to the challenges and routine of school. A parent’s summer plan to keep math and reading skills sharp may be a deciding factor in the success of the future school year. And, with a little guidance, this kind of plan is easy to execute! Kumon recommends the following checklist to help keep your child’s academic skills right on track: child’s behaviour.