Spark PILOT 2017 [Kumon Oak Bay Victoria] Spark PILOT 2017 [Kumon Oak Bay Victoria] | Page 3

S PA R K M a g a z i n e | P I L O T 2 0 1 7 A M ES SAG E FR O M B AI 3 A MESSAGE FROM BAI achievements, the Kumon Programs, from Kumon and beyond will talk Kumon worksheets and philoso- about summer studies, using Kumon phies. We will also include some tips worksheets, the power of self-learn- to help improve your child’s math ing, and much more. At the end of and reading abilities, strategies to the issue, you’ll find an anonymous enhance continuous academic suc- ranking of the Oak Bay Summer Stars cesses, and things to consider as you and Kumon+ points your kids have “SPARK” is a magazine published prepare your child for what’s coming accumulated to date. by the Kumon Oak Bay Centre. Just up in and outside of school. as the name implies, the magazine I’m excited about Spark, and want to is here to ignite your curiosity about Our pilot issue is a look at the summer make it as much of a two-way street your child’s development. Whether – why to study, how to study, and as possible. To that end, please do that curiosity comes through as ques- strategies and tips to make the not hesitate to connect with me at tions you’ve had about Kumon or most of Kumon studies during these [email protected] with your education in general, we hope that “miracle months”. Our issue begins comments, questions and ideas. this magazine can be the start of a with Ann, an amazing young talented constantly fruitful discussion. Kumon student who contributed in Have a great summer! the field of engineering by creating Four times a year, Spark will a flashlight powered only by body- cover information on our students’ heat. Further in, education experts ON THE COVER S u m m er is o f ten th o ught o f a s a tim e fo r rest a nd re l a xatio n . But h ave yo u ever wo n dered w hy we ta k e tim e o ff in th e s um m er ? An d how ta k in g s uc h a l o n g brea k co ul d a ffec t a c hil d ’s devel o pm ent? R E A D M O R E O N PA G E 5 C hec k o ut pa ge 25 fo r m o re in fo r m atio n on To r u Kum o n’s s el f-l ea r n in g ph il o s o phy !