Spark PILOT 2017 [Kumon Oak Bay Victoria] Spark PILOT 2017 [Kumon Oak Bay Victoria] | Page 14

S PA R K M a g a z i n e | P I L O T 2 0 1 7 KUM O N ST U DI E S Levels C-F WORK PRESENTATION In Levels C-F, some new content is introduced with example problems. Learning from examples and guided problems will develop a student’s self- learning ability in preparation for studying the higher levels. We can use the worksheets to guide students on proper work presentation. Students’ work presentation can have a great effect on their learning. Students should use the text on the worksheets as an example for their digit size and write answers neatly in appropriately sized numbers. Students should also use the worksheets for their digit alignment, which is very important in Level B onward. As students progress through the worksheets, it is important that they continue to learn from the worksheets. 14 As early as Level 5A, we can begin to develop and train students on proper work presentation. These skills should be developed and strengthened up to Level F. By developing the necessary skills in each level, as students progress to subsequent levels we can focus on new concepts and new basic skills. On C 161a, there are two examples given, along with a hint that students can study. Students have studied division in C 111-160. The hint assures them that they already know the answer to this problem. The only thing that changed is the structure of the problem (C 161-200). Students can use their previously learned division, the two examples and the hint as a guide to complete this worksheet. In Level E, new content is introduced with many different example problems and guided exercises. Students must pay particularly close attention to all of the example problems and hints and study them when completing the worksheets. For example, if we wait to address digit size in Level D, we will have to address digit size, digit alignment and possibly new concepts at the same time. Students who have reached Level D without writing numbers in appropriate size will have difficulty with digit alignment if their numbers are too large. To avoid this case, we should develop each basic skill as early as possible. 5A-4A Write Within Guide lines and Boxes Gradually students will develop the habit using all the elements on the worksheets to solve problems on their own, and further develop their self-learning ability. 3A-A Number Size Matches Font on Worksheets 18 VOICES WINTER 2013