Spark PILOT 2017 [Kumon Oak Bay Victoria] Spark PILOT 2017 [Kumon Oak Bay Victoria] | Page 13

S PA R K M a g a z i n e | P I L O T 2 0 1 7 KUM O N ST U DI E S 13 Levels 4A-A Levels B-C In Levels 4A-A, some new content is introduced with guided exercises. These guided exercises help students complete the worksheets and attempt new problems on their own. Here are three types of guided exercises found in Levels 4A-A: In Levels B and C, students can learn from the worksheet by using the worksheet design and boxes as a guide to solve the worksheets more independently. Students can use the boxes on the worksheets as a guide. The boxes can help bring the students’ attention to what is new. Tracing Guide Lines Helps with proper number writing Referring to Guide Numbers Gives students another hint On B 41a, the answers to (1)-(7) are two-digit answers. The boxes on (8) give students a guide to produce a three-digit answer. On C 181a, students are introduced to three-digit by one-digit division. If students have difficulty with the rest of the problems on this page, or are not placing digits in the quotient in the correct place, Instructors can use the boxes on (1) as a hint for students. Tracing the Operation Symbol, Addend or Subtrahend Helps bring students’ attention to the new exercise [email protected] WINTER 2013 VOICES 17