Spark PILOT 2017 [Kumon Oak Bay Victoria] Spark PILOT 2017 [Kumon Oak Bay Victoria] | Page 15

S PA R K M a g a z i n e | P I L O T 2 0 1 7 KUM O N ST U DI E S 15 B-D Digit Alignment Levels 5A-4A Beginning with Levels 5A and 4A, students write within the guide lines and guide boxes. This will help them write numbers of ap- propriate size in subse- quent levels. Levels 3A-A In Levels 3A-A, the font size decreases. Also, there are no more boxes to write in. Stu- dents’ number size should match the font on the worksheets. Stu- dents can use the num- bers on the worksheet as a guide for proper number size. If students develop this habit early on, as they progress to higher levels, they will continue writing num- bers that match the size of the font on the worksheets. Guidelines E-F Appropriate Intermediate Steps Guide Boxes