SPARK 2017. SPARK 2017. | Page 6

WALKING DOWN MEMORY LANE It took us four cappuccinos (to be exact), to package all of what happened this year in three short columns. When 2017 grew weary and ready to retire, and 2018 was recruited as its replacement, we were left reeling by everything that had taken place this year. Primus, as usual, did not disappoint with its array of momentous events and activities. The shelves of glossy photographs and the memories that still remain alive in our minds are proof. Primus has a riveting story, with everyone (that includes you who is reading this) having some part to play in it. Our journey has been incredible, from inception till this very moment. SPARK is a testament to our legacy. From the first SPARK to this one, each has been nothing short of vibrant at its best. In this magazine, we have let our imaginations take flight and our creative spirits dominate. This magazine is a reminder of our unity and our togetherness. A piece of every student is embedded in it. At Primus, we are not just a school, but also a family. Here, we are reminded of the freedom with which we can express ourselves. We are encouraged to bring out the best in ourselves. Our magazine speaks for itself. It is painted with streaks of harmony and bonding. This year, we have some very fine contributions from our students. We, as the Editorial Board, have put in our blood, sweat and tears (did we mention that we have a flair for the dramatic?) in capturing the true spirit of SPARK. Happy reading! With hope and pride, Editorial team of Primus.