SPARK 2017. SPARK 2017. | Page 5

Message from our Principal “Education is the passport to future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” Today, we live in a world that is so different from the one we grew up in, the one we were educated in. The world is changing at such an accelerated pace that we as educators need to go through a continuous process of reflection. Are we equipping our students with the skills required to face the challenges of tomorrow? Teaching and learning is more than imparting knowledge or absorbing facts. It is about acquiring understanding and creating the possibilities for a child to invent, discover and develop students who are capable of doing new things. Adaptability is going to be the key in a world that is changing exponentially. A Primus, we introspect, reflect and review our own understanding of trends in education and seek our ways to evolve, find ways to create innovative and relevant educational experiences for our students. Giving opportunities to all students is always been an essential ingredient of our curriculum. It is with great pleasure that we present our school magazine celebrating the success of the year gone by. Each issue of our magazine unleashes a wide spectrum of creative skills of our students. We are confident that you will find within the pages of this edition fond memories that will touch your heart. I congratulate the entire editorial board for their hard work in bringing out this edition of SPARK. AA Arundhati Rawat, Primus Private School.