Space Education & Strategic Applications Volume 2, Number 1, Fall 2020/Winter 2021 | Page 110

Space Education and Strategic Applications Journal
Specifically , the OST is a “ weapons specific treaty , which prohibits , inter alia , the placing or testing of nuclear weapons or any other kinds of weapons of mass destruction in outer space ” ( OST , 1967 ). Furthermore , in comparison to the U . S ., China and India both signed the OST in 1967 to continue to show the international community their support for the peaceful use of the space domain . The OST provided the foundational framework for the international community ’ s exploration and operations in the space domain . However , space capabilities have advanced and the Gray Zone is creating disputes over what is legal and acceptable in the space domain .
The U . S . has recognized Russia and China as crucial competitors . However , the U . S . has continued to seek allies from nations such as Europe , Canada , and India . As the title for space dominance continues , the U . S . has recognized the importance of establishing and working together with such allies . For example , in 2018 the establishment of the Combined Operations Space Center ( CSpOC ) represented the ability for nations such as the U . S ., United Kingdom , Canada , and Australia to collaborate on space issues . The CSpOC “ ensures the combined space enterprise meets and outpaces emerging and advancing space threats ” ( Public Affairs , 2018 , n . p .). The establishment of the CSpOC provided a mechanism for the U . S . to work in partnership with coalition forces .
Furthermore , the U . S . has utilized its goal of expanding global markets to seek out stronger cooperation with India . As India continues to imprint themselves in the space domain , the U . S . has discovered India ’ s space launch services appealing and of economic value ( Bommakanti , 2019 ). Enhancing the U . S . -India relationship is vital to shaping and gaining influence in the Asian region . Furthermore , President Trump stated in his visit to India on 24 February 2020 , he looks forward to expanding space cooperation with India ( Howell , 2020 ).
Although China has agreed to peaceful operations in the space domain there is speculation about some agreements China has entered . For example , China entered an agreement with Latin America in 1987 and by 2017 opened a satellite tracking and control center in Patagonia ( Klinger , 2018 ). As previously identified in China ’ s Space Dream , this provides a mechanism for China to strategically achieve global space access . This particular area of Patagonia sits “ directly south of Washington D . C . and therefore can spy on the geostationary satellites that serve the U . S . East Coast ” ( Klinger , 2018 , p . 47 ). This cooperation with Latin America has provided China an avenue to expand economically , increase influence , and garner space access in the Western Hemisphere . It is this sphere of influence that allows China to continue Gray Zone activities to manipulate information and influence political relationships .
China rests their philosophical thinking on expanding Chinese thought but also recognizes the need for allied partners . In comparison to the U . S ., China has established agreements with nations such as Russia to foster