Space Education & Strategic Applications Volume 2, Number 1, Fall 2020/Winter 2021 | Page 111

National Space Policy : International Comparison of Policy and the ‘ Gray Zone ’
collaboration in satellite navigation and space mechanisms ( White Paper , 2016 ). Establishing these agreements allows China to continue to expand their space capability production while enhancing current space-based capabilities . Furthermore , China and France engaged in bilateral cooperation for other exploratory space related programs ( White Paper , 2016 ). Although , this is used for scientific purposes , in theory , China can use these space capabilities as a strategic advantage during conflict . Access to these capabilities provides China the ability to acquire information on weather , for instance , predicting the use of airborne assets .
Establishing these agreements allows China to not only improve its current capability , but also to potentially extend and realize their space objectives in a more expeditious manner . For instance , space assets may have access to tertiary trademarked property and open-source capabilities with unknown vulnerabilities ( Bailey et al . 2019 ). Access to more space capabilities enable Gray Zone activity in the space domain . Partnering with different nations may provide China access to new development initiatives exposing unique vulnerabilities to space systems . These agreements allow China to assert their dominance using lawful agreements to gain influence among nations and the potential to expand Gray Zone activities .
India has also instituted agreements to establish allied cooperation in the space domain . In 2014 , the IRSO launched “ 57 satellites for 21 different countries ” ( LeLe , 2017 , p . 30 ). This allows India to be a major competitor in the aspect of space launch . These agreements of cooperation allow India to focus on development of their space program while enhancing socioeconomics . However , the relationship of the U . S . and India rests on India ’ s nuclear program .
As India and the U . S . continue discussions , the U . S . is focused on identifying India ’ s intent with their nuclear program . India is not a signatory of the NPT creating concern for the U . S . relationship with India ( Bommakanti , 2019 ). Strategically navigating the space enterprise includes recognizing what is and is not acceptable regarding space operations . The continued development of India ’ s nuclear program creates discourse for U . S . -India relations . Nevertheless , India should consider cooperation agreements that can influence the decision-making process of its adversaries , in particular China .
India must evaluate the current pressure of China and effectively manage a deterrence strategy . For example , in 2018 a report to India ’ s National Security Council Secretariat ( NSCS ) found China was responsible for approximately 35 percent of cyber-attacks against India ( Radziszewski , Hanson , & Khalid , 2019 ). Partnering with nations , such as the U . S ., would allow India deterrence options by securing the trust of a nation with significant international influence . As India strategically considers conflict management , with regards to China , it is imperative India acquires allies who can influence a decrease in Gray Zone activities .