With a side of good ol' french fries. The rest of the menu looked
delicious as well; a crab burger, lots of Seafood, and a good selection of
sandwiches. Fin's has a full bar as well.
Full and satisfied, I decide to go look for birds at the many
nature preserves on the island. The Birding Center is located at the
Back of the local water treatment plant, and has a boardwalk over
a wetland area. This place is appropriately named, since I see
gorgeous Roseate Spoonbills, a Least Bittern, a Fulvous Whistling
duck, and a Northern Harrier gliding overhead hunting for food.
The island's other
preserves include
Charley's Pasture, a
vast tract of land with
trails and boardwalks
wandering through the
mudflats and grasslands filled with birds
(and tarantulas, I soon
find out).
Paradise Pond
(behind a Taqueria)
is a heavily wooded
seasonal pond filled
Birding Center
with warblers and
dozens of other birds
migrating in the spring.
After birding, I stop
at the Taqueria San
Juan for chips & salsa,
and a glass of cold
lemonade. I'm not
normally a fan
of lemonade, but
theirs is really good!
Whistling Duck
Roseate Spoonbills
Texas Outdoors & Farm Magazine November 2012