December the 9 1982
Franklin Depot Virginia
Dear Father I take my pen in hand to rite you a few lines to let you know that I am well and I hope these few lines may find you all enjoying the same good blessings. I got your letter you sent with Mr. Brown in due time. I got my shirt & drawers you sent with him. I loued to rite my letter and send it with Mr. Brown but I did not have time to rite. I am most broke down for have ben on duty two days & night. I havent got two hours sleep in the past two nights. We went fifteen miles of Suffolk yesterday we had ten thousand troop with us we had about fifty wagons along we loaded them all with corn pork fodder. I saw Robert Sifford yesterday he was fat and sacy it is the coldest wether out hear I ever felt nearly. Rite to me and let me no where West is. I have not got a letter from him in over a month you sed you was going to send me a nother box. I was glad to hear that. I want you to sent it with out fail the other one was so good it has put me in the notion of having a nother box. tell George to put me in a poke of groun peas mother I want you to send me some plan thread and a good big needle in the box. I understand Mr. Canady is coming out heare be fore long. Milton Hill sends his best respects to you and Mother. You will have to excuse bad righting for this is the meanest pen I ever saw. So I will have to close it is geting dark so nothing more only rite soon
William Elliott
To Richard W. Elliott