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SOme of the most popular songs of the South are “Dixie” (originally a pre-war minstrel show song), "God Save the South," "God Will Defend the Right," and "The Rebel Soldier". Several of the first songs of the war, such as “Maryland! My Maryland!” celebrated secession.
“The Bonnie Blue Flag,” another pro-Southern song was so popular in the Confederacy that Union General Benjamin Butler destroyed all the printed copies he could find, jailed the publisher, and threatened to fine anyone—even a child—caught singing the song or whistling the melody.
Alexander Gardner is the father of this civil war's photography. He has taken the most famous pictures that are pirnted in newspapers and magazines. His pictures tell stories, but maybe its because he stages them. It is heard that he takes fallen bodies and stages them in different ways that appeal to both the south and the NOrth. He sure gets a bang for his bucks with his photographs though. Among the many highly recognized artists who have created works based on the Civil War are Conrad Wise Chapman , Edward Lamson Henry , Winslow Homer, James Hope , Eastman Johnson , Theodore Kaufmann Thomas Nast (1840-1902), Augustus Saint-Gaudens , and William Aiken Walker .