Letters from William A.Elliot, A Confederate Soldier
Top Sails Inlet 21 miles below Wilmington, NC
September 11, 1862
Dear Father. I now embrase the present opportunity of righting you a few lines to let you know that I am well and I hope these few lines may find you all enjoying the same blessings. I received your letter the 9 which I was glad to hear that you was all well. I have not mutch to rite to you at this time for I rote you all the nuse the other day you said to me in your letter that Mr. James Prim was coming out here in about two weeks. If he comes I want you to send me some butter with him that is if he fetches a box with him and if he don’t you nead not put him to any trouble about it. Some of the boys told me to rite for him to fetch all the socks that he could get. Stowe wants a couple of pare in particular for my part I have plenty. I drempt the other night that I had just got the fulest poke of aples from home. I just thought then I was all right. I heard this morning that we would leave this place but I dout it. The Capt sed that he expected that we either would go to old Jackson or else we would go to Charleston. H H Hill is gone to town to day I sent with him for some paper. Direct your letters as heare to fore:
Wilmington North Carolina
11 Reg company ANN Trops
William A. Elliott
To Richard W. Elliott