Southern Indiana Business November-December 2020 | Page 34

Buying for the boss ? Think again . Experts weigh in on who to add and who to cut from the holiday shopping list

By Tara Schmelz

As the holiday shopping list gets longer each year , adding teachers , babysitters , neighbors , even garbage collectors , it ’ s hard to determine where the line is drawn on who should be included on the annual shopping list .

While not wanting to seem like a grinch may have people wanting to add their boss to that shopping list , some experts say hold off on buying that ‘ Best Boss ’ mug or business card holder just yet .
“ The American culture as a whole is a give down culture . Bosses are expected to give gifts to employees on certain occasions , but it is never expected for an employee to give a boss a gift ,” said Donna Reed , director of career development at Indiana University Southeast . “ The only exception to this is if it ’ s the cultural norm for your office , then you want to make sure your gift isn ’ t too personal . Stay away from clothing , flowers , or perfume . Also stay away from gifts that are expensive or extravagant .”
Mary Starvaggi , founder of Etiquette Advantage , travels around the nation to teach others the how-to ’ s for tricky situations such as this one . She said traditionally and historically , the answer is to not give a gift to a boss .
“ So much of it is finding out what the culture of your organization is . If no one gives gifts and you show up with a gift , then that will give the perception that you are trying to suck up ,” Starvaggi said . “ You kind of have to wage the situation .”
Reed agreed .
34 November / December 2020