SotA Anthology 2020-21 | Page 5

Our 2021 student editors

Esme Smithson
Esme is in the final year of her BA Communication and Media with English Literature . Having worked on social media graphics as part of the internships she did during her first and second years , she saw this editorship as a chance to develop her design skills further .
What have you enjoyed most about the project ? Collaborating with Scarlett was a lot of fun . We wanted to make it look completely different to previous anthologies and it was really cool to see our brainstorming ideas develop into the final product .
What ’ s been most challenging ? Getting to grips with Adobe InDesign ! It ’ s definitely a program that requires some patience , but I ’ m really pleased I can now list it as something I am competent at .
Scarlett is a third-year BA Philosophy and Politics student . Like Esme , she applied for the editorship to gain design skills . She also wanted to work in a small team with genuine creative input , which can be hard to find before graduation .
“ We got pretty much full creative control of the look of the anthology , and I ’ m really proud of how it ’ s turned out .”
What have you enjoyed most about the project ? Getting to read everyone ’ s essays was a treat ; there was such a wide range of work and they were all so interesting .
What would you say to someone thinking about submitting their work ? “ Go for it !”
Scarlett Anderton