SotA Anthology 2020-21 | Page 6

Table of Contents

To what extent has Anthony Browne manipulated the reality of architecture in ‘ Zoo ’, is this justified and does his work present a clear bias towards pre- or post-war architecture ? By Tom Dutton - 9
Racism , Intersectionality and Protest in Maya Angelou ’ s ‘ Junkie Monkey Reel ’ and ‘ Caged Bird .’ By Lucy Dunn - 18
The Mobile-As-Mirror : Reflecting Real Worlds Through Applications by Hannah Doran - 25
What is Britishness ? By Hannah Merchant - 34
Culture , Media and Everyday Life : An Autoethnographic Essay by Molly Rose - 37
‘ Headfirst , into the abyss !’ Exploring the use of Metaphor in Lin-Manuel Miranda ’ s Hamilton ( 2015 ) by Amy Holbrook - 41
Social Media , Politics and Society by Esther Smedley and Ellie Gawthorpe - 50
Architecture as a Stage for Movement by Amira Al-Najjar , Karolina Adamiec and Sumaiyah Bashir - 66
‘ Liverpool ’ – A Creative Critical Essay by Chloe Robinson - 68