Solutions June 2017 | Page 24

divisions have hijacked the church of Jesus Christ and now you see the church existing to promote its current culture of tradition and not the culture of the Kingdom . In essence , the American church is trying to mirror and befriend the world – the world that Christ called it to impact ! When we take a global look at Christian-ity we discover that Europe and Australia are now categorized as neo-pagan continents , North America is classified as a post- Christian continent , Africa and South America are classified as Christian continents , and Asia is classified as non-Christian .

The hand of God is moving , and God is raising up a people who others would not normally choose .

These classifications are troubling if you are a committed Kingdom citizen . The cur-rent trend that is happening is the transition from Christian to post-Christian to neopagan . If there is not a move of God in North America , its next stage is neo-pagan . Africa and South America still maintain its Christian classification with some of the largest churches in the world residing in Africa . These two continents are extremely important to the perpetuation of the Christian faith .
But the hand of God is moving , and God is raising up a people who others would not normally choose . God is training a new regime of leadership that will touch this world as never before through the Kingdom Reformation . When we refer to the
24 Solutions
Kingdom of God , we mean that God is the King who rules and reigns in the lives of His subjects who fulfill His agenda on earth . He entrusted the keys to the Kingdom to the church and gave it the authority to represent the will and wishes of the Kingdom . The church must represent what God represents . Because we have not fully understood that the church is supposed to be a reflection of Christ ’ s Kingdom , it has become a reflection of the social values of secular society .
In order for the church to be the church and represent the Kingdom of God , we must reform our thinking and embrace the original message of Jesus the Jewish Messiah of the world . We must re-learn the gospel in its original Jewish context that we may understand what Jesus the Messiah was trying to teach us through His inauguration of the Kingdom of God .
I believe that this is a very strategic and serious time in the Kingdom of God . In Acts 17 , Paul states , “ And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth , and has determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings , so that they should seek the Lord , in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him , though He is not far from each one of us .”
While Africa is now the greatest witness to Christianity globally , I believe it is prophetic , for the scripture states in Psalms 68:31 , “ Envoys will come out of Egypt ; Ethiopia will quickly stretch out her hands to God .”
I believe that there is an African Reformation taking place now and African Americans are very key to