divisions have hijacked the church of Jesus Christ and now you see the church existing to promote its current culture of tradition and not the culture of the Kingdom . In essence , the American church is trying to mirror and befriend the world – the world that Christ called it to impact ! When we take a global look at Christian-ity we discover that Europe and Australia are now categorized as neo-pagan continents , North America is classified as a post- Christian continent , Africa and South America are classified as Christian continents , and Asia is classified as non-Christian .
The hand of God is moving , and God is raising up a people who others would not normally choose .
These classifications are troubling if you are a committed Kingdom citizen . The cur-rent trend that is happening is the transition from Christian to post-Christian to neopagan . If there is not a move of God in North America , its next stage is neo-pagan . Africa and South America still maintain its Christian classification with some of the largest churches in the world residing in Africa . These two continents are extremely important to the perpetuation of the Christian faith .
But the hand of God is moving , and God is raising up a people who others would not normally choose . God is training a new regime of leadership that will touch this world as never before through the Kingdom Reformation . When we refer to the
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Kingdom of God , we mean that God is the King who rules and reigns in the lives of His subjects who fulfill His agenda on earth . He entrusted the keys to the Kingdom to the church and gave it the authority to represent the will and wishes of the Kingdom . The church must represent what God represents . Because we have not fully understood that the church is supposed to be a reflection of Christ ’ s Kingdom , it has become a reflection of the social values of secular society .
In order for the church to be the church and represent the Kingdom of God , we must reform our thinking and embrace the original message of Jesus the Jewish Messiah of the world . We must re-learn the gospel in its original Jewish context that we may understand what Jesus the Messiah was trying to teach us through His inauguration of the Kingdom of God .
I believe that this is a very strategic and serious time in the Kingdom of God . In Acts 17 , Paul states , “ And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth , and has determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings , so that they should seek the Lord , in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him , though He is not far from each one of us .”
While Africa is now the greatest witness to Christianity globally , I believe it is prophetic , for the scripture states in Psalms 68:31 , “ Envoys will come out of Egypt ; Ethiopia will quickly stretch out her hands to God .”
I believe that there is an African Reformation taking place now and African Americans are very key to