Kingdom Shift:
Are You Part of The Prophetic Time and Season of God?
By Dr. Dana Carson
We live in a climate that is
increasingly becoming anti-Christian
in the 21st century. When you watch
the news, you will find an age-old
inscription on our money, “In God
We Trust,” being challenged by the
atheist movement. This movement
is becoming so prevalent that even
the church’s long accepted tax-
exempt status is being challenged.
Unfortunately, if an atheist
encounters a Christian, very few can
explain or defend their faith. Most
Christians have a ‘belief’ in God,
but do not know anything about
the Bible or the faith. It is perfectly
acceptable to have been raised
in the church and yet be unable
to lead a Bible study. From a
literal perspective that makes most
Christians modern day agnostics.
The Christian church in America
is dying and seemingly not trying to
shift within the new season. Statistics
suggest that 8,000 to 10,000 churches
are closing down every year. Some
statistics suggests that over 80% of
churches have not changed their
worship service since the 1940’s.
Overall numbers suggests that
the current way of worship is not
reaching nor attracting the younger
generation for Christ. Another statistic
reports that 59% of young people
who are raised in the Christian church
will become atheist or unchurched
in their adult years, which will simply
add to the atheist movement that is
prevailing in the 21st century.
People compare their churches
to others, and the theme song is “My
church is better than your church.”
The rise of mega-churches is illusory
and is not a true indicator of growth.
These mega-churches are not
growing based on their conversion
of sinners or biological growth but
based on transfer growth. And the
future looks even worse: 50% of
millennials, those born after 1982,
have no connection with the church
at all.
When we consider our present
day church, it’s apparent that
the message being preached is
mostly church tradition and not the
message, mission, and mandate
of the Kingdom of God. We are
in a very dangerous position in
Christendom in the western world.
Clearly, the church is in a backslidden
state. The church has become a
sociological phenomenon, which
represents racism, classism, sexism,
and denominationalism, and it
has created a great divide. These
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