Solutions June 2017 | Page 22

step into the role and maintain it . And the good news is this : every father is wired with exactly what he needs to be a hero to his child .
The best way to begin being your child ’ s hero is to focus on the big stuff in your child ’ s life . Think about the three questions posed above . Then sit behind your child ’ s eyes . What does he hear you say ? What does she know you think ? Then ask yourself : what do I believe about my child and how do my real beliefs stack up against what I am communicating ? Are you saying I love you with your mouth , your actions , your gestures ? If not , get to it .
When you talk about your hopes for your child , remember this : keep them positive and focused around your child ’ s character . Let your son know that he has the courage to go after his dreams . Tell your daughter that she has the tenacity to get to where she wants to go .
At the very end of the Old Testament , God wrote in Malachi 4:6 : “ I will send them Elijah and he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers .” And then comes the subsequent warning “ Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse .” Then , God went silent for 300 years . Quite a punctuation mark .
So , fathers , stop worrying about what you are buying your kids or how many of their sports teams you should coach . Get to the business of doing the great work Your Father called you to –– begin to turn your heart toward your children .
Pediatrician , mother , and bestselling author of six books , Dr . Meg Meeker is the country ’ s leading authority on parenting , teens and children ’ s health . Her current book is Hero : Being the Strong Father Your Children Need ( Regnery Publishing ) is available now . Dr . Meeker is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics , certified by The American Board of Pediatrics and serves on the Advisory Board of The Medical Institute . She is an active part of the NFL ’ s Fatherhood Initiative , and is a regular speaker at Dave Ramsey ’ s Smart Conferences .
22 Solutions

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