this Kingdom Reformation. It is
not about race; it’s about pre-
appointed times as Paul stated.
But God! God has brought
us into the Kingdom for such
a time as this – to take this
Kingdom message to the world.
Why is this so important? The
message of the King-dom is
the end time message. We are
in the last dispensation of the
Kingdom. This dispensation will
usher in the return of Christ.
Thus, this is a season in which we
must operate like the angels – in
reverence, humility, and service.
We must have reverence for
the King of kings and the Lord
of lords. The church must learn
how to honor the authority that
God has placed in leadership.
In the Kingdom, we must
operate in humility. We must
break the prideful spirit that
thinks more highly of ourselves
than we ought. Then we must
return to the Kingdom mandate
of service and continue the
mission of Jesus Christ, “Go
therefore and make disciples,”
evangelism and discipleship.
I implore you to make the
Kingdom shift in this season and
step out of the church mentality
– and back into the Kingdom of
I have written over 100 books
on the Kingdom of God, started
the Kingdom Bible College
and Seminary, and planted
Kingdom-minded churches
on three continents: North
America, Africa and Asia. Also,
I have a pre-unit to 8th grade
school in the slums of Nairobi,
Kenya, that educates nearly 450
kids. I feel called to assist in fuel-
ing the Kingdom Reformation.
It’s time for a SHIFT! Now is the
time to step into the Kingdom
with power and to overturn the
works of the devil rather than
simply have passion for a social
church. Make the shift, the
Dr. Dana Thompson is the CEO
of Dana Carson Kingdom
Ministries and founder, Apostle
and Senior Pastor of the
Reflections of Christ’s Kingdom
World Outreach International
in Houston, TX. Combining
biblical study and scholarship,
Dr. Carson is heralded as the
21st century Kingdom voice,
reforming the church with the
gospel of the Kingdom.
Solutions 25