Solutions April 2018 | Page 62

Ladies, you can’t wear spaghetti-strap shirts (because it might cause a guy to go into a lustful rage by looking at a woman’s shoulder). So, while “do whatever you want” was one extreme, the church created a second one. One that harbored an intensely legalistic subculture, that usually communicated the very opposite of Scripture (in other words, sex and desire are bad and the reason this country is going to hell in a handbasket). Christian colleges getting married at eighteen or nineteen so they can stop “burning with passion.” I’m sure there are tons of people who got married that young for the right reasons, but again, it comes down to motivation. The heart behind the behavior. I know many people who are products of the nineties’ evangelicalism who got married more to obey their legalism than because they thought they actually should get married. We created a culture that made it more of a point to be a virgin than to be a genuine follower of Jesus. We created a culture that cared more about behavior in the bedroom than heart transformation and honoring God with your body, thoughts, and emotions. I heard someone recently say that we are all refugees of the sexual revolution—the ideas and philosophies put into motion then have left many of us relationally bankrupt. But I’d argue that the same is true for a fundamentalist Christian standpoint. Many of us are refugees and runaways from the purity culture as well. I’ve heard many stories of students at So, we grew up and walked into “ We’ve bought this lie that personal freedom is the ultimate goal. But it makes me want to ask, what’s true freedom?” 62 • Solutions