of kindness: “If only you could sense
how important you are to the lives of
those you meet; how important you
can be to people you may never
even dream of. There is something
of yourself that you leave at every
meeting with another person.”2
guard your back, and offer fresh
perspective. Minimize the influence
of petty and passive-aggressive
“friends” by not inviting them into
your inner circle.
8. Learn to be content. Often
people are unhappy, unfulfilled,
4. Forgive yourself and others.
and chronically anxious because
Harboring guilt and bitterness is like
they believe the grass is greener
allowing a weed to grow in your front elsewhere. They tell themselves life
yard. One of the best ways to be kind would be more fulfilling with a new
to yourself is to pull that weed out by relationship, different job, better
the root so it never grows back.
apartment, or nicer car. In the Bible,
an imprisoned follower of Jesus
5. Be a peacemaker. Conflict is
wrote, “I have learned to be content
inevitable, but it doesn’t have to
whatever the circumstances” (Phil.
create permanent disunity and
4:11 NIV).
disharmony. Keep your stress level
low by overlooking minor matters
9. Celebrate others’ success.
and giving others the benefit of the
Besides serving others, also look
for opportunities to honor their
6. Remain healthy. Be kind to yourself
by getting adequate rest, eating
10. Smile in the mirror. Make it a
right, exercising regularly, and taking routine to look at your reflection and
time each day to just be with you.
say, “I love the person God made
7. Surround yourself with the right
In your quest to assist others, invest
people. Nurture friendships with
in yourself. Be careful not to ignore
people who will tell you the truth,
your own physical, emotional, and
28 Solutions