Solutions April 2017 | Page 29
spiritual needs while serving others.
Find a balance between helping
others and taking care of yourself.
You won’t be investing in anyone
if you’re chronically fatigued or
emotionally spent. The airlines have it
right when they instruct passengers,
in the event of an emergency, to put
the oxygen mask on themselves first.
Your well-being is essential to the well-
being of others.
What have you done for yourself
lately? What are you looking forward
to? Vacations, date nights, exercise,
and reading are great ways to
incentivize and rejuvenate your heart
and mind.
Investing in yourself will pay
dividends for you and others.
Today, move beyond the obstacles,
stereotypes, and lies that have kept
you from being “at your best.” Tiptoe
if you must, but take the first steps
toward being kind to others by being
kind to yourself.
1. Keep a journal in which you
record your daily blessings.
2. Take at least a fifteen-minute walk
alone each day.
3. Create a “bucket list” of things
you want to experience and places
you want to go.
4. De-clutter your life by cleaning
your house and organizing your files.
5. Reduce your stress level by
following a financial plan.
RATE THIS >>>>>>>>>>
Hal Donaldson cofounded and serves as
president of Convoy of Hope, Inc. Since 1994,
Convoy of Hope has distributed nearly $1 billion
worth of food and vital emergency supplies to
more than 70 million people.
Related Links
Facebook: /convoyofhope
Twitter: @HalDonaldson
Instagram: /convoyofhope
Pinterest: /convoyofhope
Convoy of Hope:
Buy the Book!
End Notes
1. Maria Yagoda, “Kate Winslet Preaches Body Positivity
to Daughter Mia: ‘We’re So Lucky We Have a Shape,’”
People, July 28, 2015,
2. Mark Tabb, Living with Less: The Upside of Downsizing
Your Life (Nashville: B&H, 2006), 22.
Taken from Your Next 24 Hours by Hal Donaldson, published
by Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group. Copy-
right © 2017. Used by permission.
Be kind to yourself
by getting adequate rest,
eating right, exercising regularly,
and taking time each day
to just be with you.
Solutions 29