Soltalk September 2022 | Page 28

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needs them . While the pioneering measure was widely welcomed , news that the Period Products Act would be overseen by a Periods Dignity Officer … who happens to be a man … was not so readily accepted .
After Jason Grant was appointed in the Tay region , the SNP were accused of “ institutionalised mansplaining ” and “ peak gender idiocy ” by critics . As tennis legend Martina Navrarilova commented , “ Have we ever tried to explain to men how to shave or how to take care of their prostate or whatever ? This is absurd .”
Council Capers
What is possibly the world ’ s shortest bike lane has been installed in the centre of Birmingham . It appeared in the run-up to the Commonwealth Games in the city and takes up a full eight feet ( less than 2.5 metres ) in Corporation Street .
Predictably , it has been described as “ ridiculous ” and “ a waste of tax payers ’ money ” by local residents . But that ’ s OK , because this cycle lane is not a cycle lane - and we know that because the City Council said it ’ s not . Birmingham ’ s City Council defended the move ( Well , they would , wouldn ’ t they ?) claiming that the cycle lane is not in fact a cycle lane . ( Told you so !) So what is it , then ? Apparently , it ’ s simply “ guidance ” for cyclists .
A spokesman said cyclists were being advised to dismount at the end of the lane ( where they are directed to use the pavement ) to avoid new tram tracks under construction . Seems the message got lost in the markings …
Vegans unwelcome
Vegans have been described as “ nasty ” and “ bullying ” by a restaurant owner on the Isle of Wight . Sally Cooper , whose business in Ventnor was targeted over the absence of vegetarian main dishes on its menu , said her growing irritation with the
“ militant minority ” from vegans , along with the abuse they inflicted on her staff , led to the decision not to provide such an option . “ We got fed up with the arrogant , ‘ holier-than-thou ’ attitude ,” she wrote on Twitter . “ Please , vegans , it is not a given that we should adapt our menu to suit your preference .” She added that if anyone wants vegan food , they should go to a vegan restaurant , adding that if she ordered a steak in such a place she wouldn ’ t expect to get one .
Meanwhile , our favourite animal rights activist group PETA ( People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ) has urged the mayor of Leicester to change the name of a traffic roundabout in the city so that it no longer offends them . PETA claims the move would promote healthier eating choices and celebrate the city ’ s connections to veganism .
The roundabout is named after a building which lies between two of the six roads which intersect south of the city centre . It is officially the Southfield Library but its cylindrical shape led it to be nickname the Pork Pie Library , with the roundabout referred to as the Pork Pie Roundabout . PETA wants it to be renamed the Vegan Pie Roundabout . Leicester ’ s Mayor Peter Soulsby described PETA ’ s approach as a , “ funny and quite clever way of drawing attention to themselves .” He said any hope of changing the name was just , “ pie in the sky .”
According to a YouGov poll commissioned in January , around two per cent of the population of the UK consider themselves to be vegan , with five to seven per cent claiming to be vegetarian . Just saying …
Here to stay
And another absurd demand for a name change gave your Jottings team their best laugh in recent weeks . The York Dungeon , one of that city ’ s premier tourist attractions , said last month it had received letters from uptight , woke parents concerned that a newly opened ride for visitors should have its name changed to protect their little darlings .
They suggest that to avoid offending youngsters , the ride , which celebrates the life of one of Yorkshire ’ s most notorious highwaymen should be renamed the “ Richard Turpin Carriage Ride .”
But the Dungeon ’ s management have held their ground . In a statement , they said , “ We were shocked to receive complaints to change his name but despite any potentially rude connotations , we ’ re here to say that Dick is here to stay .”
In Brief
West Mercia Police have come under fire after installing life-size cut-outs of officers in hi-viz jackets aiming speed guns at oncoming motorists . The pretend plods have been placed at the sides of roads in Shropshire where speeding is reportedly not uncommon . Police forces in Scotland have already faced criticism for spending thousands on similar cardboard cops because there is apparently no proof to show that they slow traffic .
A 53-year-old man in County Durham has received a letter from the Department of Work and Pensions informing him that he was overpaid a housing benefit three years ago , warning him that if he did not repay the sum by August 29 , further action would be taken . The amount to be returned was given as £ 0.02 ( two British pennies or € 0.024 ). The demand ’ s recipient , Damien Dove said , “ Are these people having a laugh ?” Sadly , Mr Dove , we don ’ t think they are .
Spare a thought for …
… Etienne Klein , research director at the French Atomic Energy Commission , who , in July , posted an image which he claimed was a photo of Proxima Centauri , the closest star to our Sun located just 4.2 light