Soltalk September 2022 | Page 27

Jottings accusations of officers stifling free speech following the Force ’ s treatment of a 51- year-old war veteran who was handcuffed and threatened with prosecution if he refused to attend the course .
And there ’ s more …
The UK ’ s National Health Service has been called “ sexist ” and “ woke ” after it advertised last month for a Director of Operations at Barts Health Trust , annual salary £ 100,000 ( almost € 118,000 ). But it wasn ’ t the cash but the caveat attached which caused the row . “ We are particularly interested ,” read the ad , “ in receiving applications from candidates who identify as female .” Cue furious reactions .
The Men and Boys Coalition , a charitable group of organisations which highlights gender-specific issues which affect men and boys , said , “' This advert is implying in a very clear and unsubtle way that men should not bother to apply , and if they do , they are unlikely anyway to be successful .” It added the view that the advertisement is , “ illegal and discriminatory against male applicants as set out in Government Guidance and the Equality Act .”
But this was not the only story about the UK ’ s health service last month . NHS
Digital , which manages its on-line advice sites , was accused of misogyny after removing gender specific references in articles for women , but not in those for men .
For example , the phrase “ Women who know they are pregnant ” has been changed to , “ People who know they are pregnant ,” while “ breastfeeding and breast milk ” becomes “ chest feeding and human milk .” In contrast , advice on testicular or prostate cancer remain unchanged .
Equally controversial is a website called “ Bloody Brilliant ” which is funded by the Welsh Government to give advice about menstruation and which has erased any mention of women or girls . It describes itself as “ a source of knowledge , support , information and empowerment for young people who bleed ,” adding that they should not be embarrassed about something which “ half of the population ” experiences .
Campaigners have described the language as “ infuriating ” and “ confusing ,” warning it would complicate health messaging for vulnerable girls .
Scotland Unplugged
The Scottish National Party boasted last month about its investment in the country ’ s police force , “ to ensure officers have the tools they need to do their jobs effectively .” This includes around £ 20 million ( over € 23 million ) spent over three years to equip over 40 stations with sparkling new electric patrol cars .
Unfortunately , some desk-bound plod overlooked a somewhat essential optional extra for such vehicles : a charger for the battery . The result is that 23 stations have the cars but must resort to charging them up via a cable which goes through the window to an ordinary power point on the wall . A further 21 sites have just 28 chargers between them .
The information was revealed in a Freedom of Information request sent by the Scottish Liberal Democrats , after being tipped off by a whistling-blowing Boy in Blue . He said his station was given five electric vehicles but no charging units , so , “ We are back to using the old diesel cars , because at least we know where the service station is .”
The SNP was also lambasted last month after it brought in legislation which requires councils and education providers to make tampons and sanitary towels available free of charge to anyone who
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