Soltalk September 2022 | Page 23

What ’ s On

Art by the sea

An exciting , not to be missed , new exhibition is showing at Bio Beach Club , on the seafront in El Morche from 24th August – 21st September featuring the works of local artist Christina Hallett . Originally hailing from the UK , she has now made Spain her permanent home .
The exhibition is a wonderful mix of colours , styles and pictures reflecting the beauty and nature of life Christina sees and experiences around her .
Her work features a bold and lively mix of landscapes and figures , and she feels that it increasingly reflects the vibrancy , colour and light she has come to love since her permanent move to Spain seven years ago .
“ I have always loved painting figures and landscapes but had many fallow years when I wasn ’ t painting or creating at all . Since moving to Spain I have rediscovered my love of art in every medium and am constantly exploring and developing my style , increasingly influenced by the vitality and images of life around me , the breathtaking landscapes and the explosion of colour all year round .”
“ I am inspired by the light , life and landscapes I experience every day , the colour and beauty , the passion and emotion . Living life in Spain has awoken that passion and enthusiasm in me to try to capture some of this on paper and canvas and together with the opportunities of drawing from a life model at the Torrox Fine Artists group , I am constantly striving to represent some of the emotions these wonderful images invoke in me .”
The exhibition at Bio Beach Club , a restaurant café with a wide and delicious selection of meals , snacks and drinks , all accompanied by relaxing , cool music , on the seafront in El Morche , runs from Wednesday 24th August until Wednesday 21st September . Bio Beach Club , Paseo Maritimo , El Morche , 10.00 – late , every day except closed Tuesdays .
For further information contact 654 186 266 .
Here comes the sun
Flamenco dancer