Soltalk February 2023 | Page 27

_ Soltalk February 2023 _ Soltalk 24 / 01 / 2023 16:52 Page 25
Primary School , a name originally suggested by pupils referencing two oak trees at the entrance to the grounds .
Historical experts have been critical , pointing out that Drake ’ s career as a leading Elizabethan included many achievements which the name of the school was intended to celebrate . One commented , “ Blotting out names is blotting out the past in all its shades .”
Meanwhile , Durham University ’ s largest donor has cut off further funds until “ they get their free speech house properly in order .” Retired hedge fund manager Mark Hillery donated more than £ 7 million to his alma mater , Collingwood College , between 2015 and 2021 . Last year , however , he handed £ 400,000 (€ 456,000 ) to the Free Speech Union .
He attributes his change of heart to “ campus wokery ” which has seen speakers banned from institutions and academics bullied out of their jobs for voicing their opinion . Mr Hillery has claimed that free speech is at such a risk at Durham University that academics and students make complaints “ every week .”
And it ’ s not just the Dons from Durham .
Skeggie Sarcasm is under fire as well after the Skegness Academy in Lincolnshire banned the use of sarcasm in the classroom in a guide for their teaching staff .
The ban applies to all pupils , but in response some parents said their children should not be wrapped in “ cotton woke wool .” Others admitted that the “ sarcastic teachers ” are the kids ’ favourites .
Apparently , it ’ s no longer OK to describe the remains of an ancient Egyptian as a “ mummy ” because the British Museum has decided the term lacks respect . The National Museum in Scotland describes the description as “ dehumanising .”
The preferred ( i . e . woke ) phrase is “ mummified remains .” Chris McGovern , chairman of the Campaign for Real Education , said , “ The curse of the mummy is driving these academics mad .”
Russian dance works set to music by Rimsky-Korsakov and Stravinsky have been deemed “ potentially distressing ” by academics at the University of Aberdeen . The 1911 ballet Petrushka now comes with a trigger warning alerting students to the violent death of one lead character .
The character in question is actually a puppet .
And finally , is nothing sacred ? The Joker , Batman ’ s arch-enemy , has also been given the woke treatment … by becoming pregnant . In a recent issue from DC Comics , he emits a “ brown goo ” which turns into a baby boy . ( No , it ’ s not April 1 .)
To quote one US congressional candidate , “ Who else is sick of this lunacy ?” Hands up , please .
Rainbow tinted coppers
The Taxpayers ’ Alliance in the UK was formed in 2004 to stand up for the interests of those who pay their taxes and the group is often quoted when a new public-spending scandal comes to light . But they also undertake original research and last month they revealed how much money British police forces have been spending on trying to appear inclusive in the eyes of the LGBT community .
The Alliance says that , in the last three years , 27 police forces in England and Wales have spent an estimated £ 66,000 (€ 75,175 ) of tax payers ’ cash on rainbow
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