Soltalk February 2023 | Page 26

_ Soltalk February 2023 _ Soltalk 24 / 01 / 2023 16:52 Page 24


News from the UK and around the World
. . . the wild , the wacky , the wonderful , the weird and the downright infuriating
Woke Watch
It ’ s no longer acceptable to say that you plan to , “ join the lads for swift few after work .” We know this because the Campaign for Real Ale ( CAMRA ) says such language could put off women from joining in .
The group , formed in 1971 to campaign for the survival of real ales , says that “ lad culture ” can be alienating and recommends avoiding phrases including “ pub crawl ” and “ happy hour .” Amongst alternatives , it suggests “ pub tour ” and the “ savouring of a pint .”
The comments are part of CAMRA ’ s diversity drive in a bid to lose its “ male , pale and stale image ” and to attract more ethnic minorities , women and gay people . But the brand guidelines have been condemned by its own members . One said , “ Just call it what you want and don ’ t be cowed or bogged down by what terminology CAMRA deems is safe .”
The Royal Astronomical Society recently instructed members to stop referring to NASA ’ s James Webb Space Telescope by its full name . Webb was the administrator of NASA in the 1960s and his work led to the success of projects including the Apollo moon landings .
However , the RAS has claimed that Webb was a homophobe who oversaw a purge of gay employees , which it describes as “ entirely unacceptable .” Society members , it added , should refer to the most powerful observatory with the acronym JWST . This is all despite the fact that the space agency ’ s historian has concluded that accusations against Webb were misplaced . The RAS is reported to be “ considering the best way to respond .”
Others to be “ cancelled ” recently include Sir Frances Drake , the British hero who famously defeated the Spanish armada in 1588 . In September , Sir Francis Drake Primary School in south-east London , launched a consultation to determine whether its name should be changed in light of his connection to the slave trade .
Of the 450 parents , staff , pupils and local residents who voted , 88 per cent called for a name change , and as a result , the school will now be renamed Twin Oaks