SOLLIMS Sampler February 2015 | Page 31

2. Maximize and synchronize DDR communication efforts – through government offices, the media, advocacy groups, civil society groups, and public forums. Build trust and maintain this trust. Implication. 1. Without support from the highest levels of government and without the involvement of the society, advocacy groups, donors, and other interested parties, DDR will not be successful. 2. Without winning the hearts and minds and establishing long-lasting trust, DDR cannot be successful. Therefore, all promises made to ex-combatants like resettlement, truth and reconciliation, social support, and employment training should be met; otherwise, ex-combatants will feel betrayed and may again resort to fighting. Event Description. This lesson was based on classroom readings and past experiences by students discussed during U.S. Army War College PKSOI elective course PS2229 – Security Sector Reform: A Whole of Government Approach. 3. CONCLUSION Recent SSR experiences (lessons in this Sampler – covering Burundi, Liberia, Afghanistan, the Philippines, Timor-Leste, and Chile) showcase the importance of judicious, comprehensive SSR plans/programs for fragile countries working toward a better future. Key points from these various SSR endeavors include:  SSR provisions need to be included in every peace agreement. Try to avoid a “one-size-fits-all” approach and tailor SSR provisions to the host nation situation; support comprehensive SSR provisions by meaningful implementation mechanisms and appropriate international support; and, avoid overselling SSR which could lead to unrealistic expectations.  Put “politics” center stage; i.e., establish mechanisms to address and resolve “political” issues/disputes. There is a need to understand the “politics” of SSR and to pay attention at the outset to the impact that the political arrangements installed under a peace agreement might have on the implementation of SSR; encourage mutual trust, consensus building, and national reconciliation through the peace negotiations as an essential component of post-conflict security strategy; support and empower NGOs, civil society organizations Table of Contents | Quick Look | Contact PKSOI Page 30 of 33