Society Magazine 57 | Page 32

FOCUS parenting


Mamma ,

Don ’ t sweat it … You got this !

Homayra Billah
Originally from Australia , Homayra Billah is the founder and managing partner of Kanga ’ s Pouch Nursery in Qatar . A teacher and busy mum of two , she is passionate about providing positive nurturing environments for children to grow and develop . She began her Qatari adventure in 2008 having taught in Australia for 5 years . Since being in Doha , Homayra has taught at nursery level for 18 months and a well-known British school for almost 4 years before establishing Kanga ’ s Pouch .
A mother ’ s deep parental kindness in bringing us up and the hardships she has gone through will never be repaid as they are priceless
By Homayra Billah

Dear Mammas , we all have a secret fear . And it ’ s not about being in our pyjamas when dropping our kids off to nursery or school ( though that may be a close second ). We worry about being good enough for our children … It ’ s an age-old insecurity that so many of us bear despite being amazing mammas to our babies .

So here ’ s to you , the mammas who are severely sleep deprived … who pretend to smile as people walk by , but crave the warmth of their beds for just an hour of down time ; just enough to keep going for the rest of the day To the mammas who are losing their patience because
32 Society