Society Magazine 57 | Page 33

home feels like a battlefield of screaming , whining and fighting children who are in a constant race to be at each other ’ s throats …
And the mammas whose favourite seat is the toilet , hiding behind a locked door for a moment ’ s peace with tears rolling down their cheeks and children banging on the door .
Here ’ s to the mammas who hide in their wardrobes and store rooms eating that last gummy bear or blueberry cheesecake hoping that they won ’ t be asked to share - just this once .
Or the mammas who sit in their car , alone , munching down the quarter pounder with cheese and fries in secret because they don ’ t want anyone else to see or know them eat that stuff .
Here ’ s to the mammas crying at night after yelling at her children for something small and insignificant so is now feeling guilty and unworthy .
And the mammas who are trying to juggle work and kids together ; whose heart breaks every time she is forced to miss her child ’ s sports days , award ceremonies and music recitals . Shout out to the mammas trying to find those 15 extra minutes to help with homework and extra practice just so her babies feel happy and confident at school . And to the mammas trying desperately to put those old jeans on because all she really wants is to look in the mirror and feel good about herself . Here ’ s to the mammas worrying about money and how to give her children what they need . And the mammas whose nutritious meal didn ’ t work out so she had to feed them instant noodles instead . Here ’ s to those mammas whose laundry has found a permanent home on the sofa and the dishes are done bi-weekly instead of daily . And to the mammas who sit and cry in their car feeling guilty after dropping their babies off to nursery .
To the mammas who hide in front of her man because of the stretch marks and the scars from child birth , hoping that he doesn ’ t find her unattractive . And to the mammas who can ’ t physically leave the house because life is just too much to handle right now . When your headaches have turned into migraines and your ears begin to ache , just know that they don ’ t mean to annoy you . Your children appreciate your patience .
When your back aches and your head hurts and you ’ re desperate to lay down and get some rest … when the exhaustion and the frustration is too much to bear ... When the support seems slim and the world feels like it ’ s caving in .
STOP . Here ’ s a few things to remember . Look at your children and remember that they have come this far because of your selflessness and love . They have overcome illness and emotional downfalls because of your commitment and devotion . They have felt comfort in knowing that no matter how tired or upset mamma may be , there ’ s always mamma ’ s warm arms for comfort .
Through all the exhaustion , the frustration , the tears … you ’ ve got this … and you always will .
When those young eyes look up at you – they think you are perfect . They think you are beautiful and inspiring . When those hands reach out to hold you – they think you are the strongest . In their eyes , you can conquer the world . When you feed those little mouths – they know that you care that their tummies are full . When you reach out and hold your babies know that they don ’ t want anything more . They just want you . Because you are enough . You are more than enough , mamma .
No fancy house , no expensive car , no toy or any other material possession can replace you and your love . Our children don ’ t see our wealth . They don ’ t see our designer handbags and they don ’ t judge whether we choose a Big Mac or a greek salad . They choose us , only us .
Here ’ s to the mammas doing it with an amazing husband or partner . Here ’ s to the mammas who are doing it all alone … working , raising amazing children , cooking and cleaning a home and even studying … here ’ s to you .
Don ’ t sweat the small stuff … you ’ ve got this … you ’ ve always had it … and despite what you may think , the world knows and more importantly , your children know that no one can do it better than you . Happy Mother ’ s Day www . society . qa 33