Society Magazine 57 | Page 31

Lisa Harper with her family Image : Chelsea Parsons

The moment I saw the double blue lines , my heart skipped with joy as my journey as a Mom began in that understanding of being positively pregnant .

Sharing the news with my husband was sheer joy , then excitement , followed by anticipation .
Our little being grew and grew – it felt like I was aglow , with every flutter , then wiggle , then movement , kick and hiccup the awareness my life was changing so much from then to the moment she was born . Along with a changing physique , I could feel my love for this little bean becoming more and more intense . No one really tells you how it really feels with a life growing inside you , or how it really feels when you hold your baby for the first time , the profound love and joy is beyond words and so is the awareness that she is so fragile , dependent on you and ...... that she could break !
My big strong manly husband ’ s heart softened and melted with his first sight and hold of her , so tiny and he so BIG . I look at them with wander imagining what she will look like she grows up and feel pangs of realization of the responsibility on my heart and our minds that this little life is dependent on us for many years to come !
Here with motherhood is a new and wondrous love , different to anything as a couple we have ever felt before , the joy in our hearts is connected to hers , our children dance , we dance ( on the inside ), she hurts , ( we feel it too ), we have the desire to catch them when they fall but alas have to step back and let them learn the lessons of life , feeling helpless if we can ’ t help fix things and feeling immense joy as we watch our little creations grow and develop with gentle confidence into the wonderful people they are meant to be . Best of all our children are a gift , we were given and I feel incredibly blessed to have been given both of my precious girls
www . society . qa 31