Society Magazine 57 | Page 27

Forget about having it all — many women these days are doing it all . Raising kids , working , caring for elderly parents , running a household , and often managing alone as a single mom . That is the exhausting “ doing it all ” reality for hundreds of women . With all of their “ doing ,” there ’ s one thing women agree isn ’ t happening : They are so busy taking care of everyone else that they aren ’ t taking care of themselves .
Even for those women who have a spouse to share responsibilities , doing it all is hard . Experts say it ’ s no surprise that women forget – or even disregard – the need to take care of themselves . Women often feel guilty about taking time for themselves , says psychiatrist and TODAY contributor Dr . Gail Saltz . “ There is some maternal ideal of being self-sacrificing that just isn ’ t consistent with having time for yourself ,” she said . The key , says Saltz , is for women to recognize the difference between being selfish in a bad way and being selfish in a healthy way .
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