Society Magazine 57 | Page 26

FOCUS cover story


Me Time

Taking just a little time to relax and be alone throughout your week can actually help you let go of that stress and keep you on top of the madness . Here are a few ways to help you carve out a little time for yourself
By Sondra Hope
Sondra Hope is a Qatar-based international certified fitness and health coach , specialising in personal , sports and child nutrition . She is the founder of HopeFit , which specialises in online and personal training and nutrition coaching . In her spare time , she also does motivational speaking , spends time with her other passion , Pixal8 Photography , as a professional photographer , and dabbles in painting and fine art .

Our communities are shaped by the health of our nation ’ s mothers and babies . But sometimes it can be a challenge to take the steps we need every day to stay healthy . Somewhere between the morning rush , a packed day at work , and all of the practices and homework — we need to remember to eat well , stay active , and help our families stay healthy , too .

26 Society