Social Media and You Vol. 6 No, 7 July 2022 | Page 24


Nelson ... Moylan ... Won Pat ...
collectively develop a viable plan of action that would address those impacted by colonization , be in the best interest of our community , environment , economy and future generations , and also hold up in court .
China of late has been aggressively pursuing diplomatic and economic relations with the island nations of Micronesia . In your view , what is the potential impact of these developments on Guam ? How would you protect Guam ’ s interests ?
While the U . S . does not officially recognize Taiwan , it has a relationship and a strong stance in support of its democratic values .
China ’ s expansion in Asia and the Pacific is significant . As a U . S . territory , Chinese expansionism may be a scary thought . However , as a culturally eastern society built on western ideals , we need to take an objective look at our history and interests and determine what is best for our island .
From an economic standpoint , China stands to be a great economic powerhouse , but at what cost .
As we struggle with our identity as an Asian-Pacific island culture within western society , we need to ensure we maintain our values .
Why should we be the tip of the U . S . spear without a proper representation ? Guam ’ s interests should be at the forefront .
What do you think of the U . S . Supreme Court ’ s decision in U . S . v . Vaello-Madero ? Do you think there is an avenue left to Guam to secure Supplemental Security Income benefits for its qualified residents ? If yes , what actions would you take as the Guam delegate to secure SSI benefits for Guam residents ?
The Supreme Court ’ s decision is greatly disappointing . Our people in Guam should be afforded the same ability to receive SSI benefits as we are American citizens .
I believe it is possible for SSI to be available for our people , we see in other U . S . territories granted exemptions from the definition of “ state ” in the Social Security Act such as the District of Columbia and the Northern Mariana Islands .
Our island contributes to payments of federal taxes in funds collected through Section 30 . With further research , I will utilize this avenue to provide the necessary funding in similar form of SSI benefits for our people . Concurrently , I will continue to work on having Guam included in the SSI program .
Do you think that the Jones Act should continue
President David Panuelo recently in a meeting . There is the possibility of greater adverse impact for Guam if some of the island nations of Micronesia enhance their relations with China .
As a delegate , I will continue a relationship with the leaders of FSM , Palau and Marshall Islands and enhance the dialogue . This will include working with members of Congress to assure that this region is a priority , and not just for military reasons .
What do you think of the U . S . Supreme Court ’ s decision in U . S . v . Vaello-Madero ? Do you think there is an avenue left for Guam to secure Supplemental Security Income benefits for its qualified residents ? If so , what actions would you take to secure SSI benefits for Guam residents ?
As the court decision indicated , SSI was created by Congress , and can only be modified by Congress . So yes , I believe there is an avenue for Guam to secure SSI . I am committed to reintroducing Congressman San Nicolas ’ bill on my first day in Congress , if it does not pass by year-end .
I have been in discussions with some GOP members of Congress that this is a critical issue , and that I will need their support on the legislation . While there are funding issues , they have indicated their interest in assisting us to address this inequity for the territories .
The Jones Act restricts maritime transportation of cargo to Guam to ships that are U . S . -owned , U . S . -crewed , U . S . - registered and U . S . built . As a result of the Jones Act , Guam consumers shoulder the higher transportation costs of goods . Do you think that the Jones Act should continue to apply to Guam ? How would you work for Guam ’ s interests on this issue ?
I join many on island in stating that there needs to be some Guam-level exemptions to the Jones Act . This is not a new discussion for Guam , but one that needs consistency and now more than ever it must be brought back to the table .
Addressing our inflation crisis is a priority of mine , and this means finding ways to reduce the cost of food , diapers and other everyday commodities that enter our island . I will discuss these with various stakeholders , including the shippers and members of Congress , toward legislation . There must be a greater education in the process , one which our team is ready to pursue .
Guam plays a key role in the U . S . political strategy in the Indo-Pacific region . Do you believe Guam is being treated fairly and justly compensated for the role it has been given ? If not , what changes in
CONTINUED ON PAGE 26 countries who are moving to Guam .
I think we need to be acutely aware of the security risk to Guam should the competition between the U . S . and China turn to conflict .
It is unacceptable that U . S . policies in relation to China — and let ’ s say the Taiwan issue in particular — would put Guam in more danger than other places in the U . S .
I will make it my job in Washington to make the point that U . S . policies toward China should treat Guam as though it were Los Angeles or San Francisco .
What do you think of the U . S . Supreme Court ’ s decision in U . S . v . Vaello-Madero ? Do you think there is an avenue left for Guam to secure Supplemental Security Income benefits for its qualified residents ? If so , what actions would you take to secure SSI benefits for Guam residents ?
If the disabled and elderly can be discriminated against , no one ’ s rights are safe . The Vaello-Madero decision is a reminder that if you live in a colony , you are subject to the plenary power of Congress . The baseline question is , should permanently or totally disabled and aged Americans , no matter where they live , receive SSI ? The only fair answer is “ yes .”
Since Congress created this unequal treatment , only Congress can reverse the discrimination . I will make equal treatment a cornerstone of my service in Washington , D . C .
The Jones Act restricts maritime transportation of cargo to Guam to ships that are U . S . -owned, U . S . -crewed, U . S . - registered and U . S . built . As a result of the Jones Act , Guam consumers shoulder the higher transportation costs of goods . Do you think that the Jones Act should continue to apply to Guam ? How would you work for Guam ’ s interests on this issue ?
There is little doubt that Guam would benefit from lower shipping rates if we were not designated a U . S . port for the purposes of the Jones Act , as is the case of the CNMI and American Samoa . Given inflationary pressures today , we on Guam need all the help we can get .
Past attempts to exempt Guam from the Jones Act , including the provision in the Commonwealth Act that Guam voters approved in 1987 , have not been successful .
There are , however , indications of a new push in Hawaii and Puerto Rico to provide specific exemptions from the law . I will support these efforts to create momentum in Congress to specific Jones Act carve-