Social Media and You Vol. 6 No, 7 July 2022 | Page 23


Nelson ... Moylan ... Won Pat ...
Authorization Act , Department of Defense , and the Department of the Interior .
As a combat veteran , I know that the experience of being in war changes an individual , and the return and transition home in a peacetime environment can be difficult and tumultuous , whether it be psychological , physical , or both .
For this reason , I worked closely with my colleagues to expand the Guam Veterans Affairs Office to increase the number of caseworkers and mental health assistance . As the federal and foreign affairs chair , I also continue working with various congressional committees to ensure that Guam veterans are included in legislation that will impact them and provide assistance to them .
What top three rights or benefits would you work to secure for Guam ’ s island community ?
During my first term , I will build on the relationships that our office has made with the current congressional representatives in Washington D . C . More importantly , there are big tasks ahead , such as advocating for our Island representatives to be brought to the table during Compact of Free Association discussions and negotiations .
Secondly , I will work closely with members of the House and Senate to advocate for the continued FMAP rate that Guam is currently receiving for Medicaid reimbursement , which I will work diligently to accomplish .
Thirdly , I will work closely with members of the Armed Services Committee , advocating to include greater parity in funding , H2B visa waivers for labor and development , and inclusion of Supplemental Security Income benefits .
Do you think that Guam should limit the plebiscite on the issue of political status to native inhabitants ? What would be your plan-of-action for Guam to have the opportunity to decide its political status and enact or adopt its own constitution ?
Guam has been on the United Nation ’ s list of non-self-governing territories since 1946 . The decolonization of Guam is mandated by the United Nations . The rights of all peoples to self-determinations are foundational to international law and the UN Charter .
I support the plebiscite where the people deprived of this right are the ones who decide Guam ’ s political status .
A plan of action would have to address the federal court ’ s decision in the Davis lawsuit . To come up with this plan , I would engage our most brilliant to
CONTINUED ON PAGE 24 time and help pay the bills . These jobs instilled strong values and ethics in me .
If elected , what top three rights or benefits would you work to secure for Guam ’ s island community ?
1 . Finding solutions to address this inflation crisis . Guam has its unique situation . We need to work collectively to find options , inclusive of special exemptions with the Jones Act .
2 . Finding resources to help our law enforcement officers to be better equipped in addressing the drug epidemic on the island , including the funds to get the long-awaited Customs Screening Station constructed .
3 . Veterans ’ issues will be a priority , such as seeking support for medical services and other benefits . A key objective would be to assure that Guam is included in programs available to veterans in other states and jurisdictions .
Do you think Guam should limit the political status plebiscite to native inhabitants ? What would be your plan of action for Guam to have the opportunity to decide its political status and enact or adopt its own constitution ?
Guam today is a melting pot , and with a court decision requiring an inclusive plebiscite , we need to open the discussion and vote to all American citizens who call Guam home . This may not be a popular answer for some , but if we were to continue the argument of who should make the decision , we will never get to the next phase of “ what next ?”
I would like to place a plebiscite in the 2024 general election , granted that there is adequate education in the options for the community .
Regarding Guam adopting its own constitution , this is certainly an issue that needs to be brought back to the table for a further discussion . The groundwork needs to be laid with the federal government now .
I saw firsthand the efforts of Puerto Rico with their objective of seeking statehood . It will still take them years to obtain the preferred outcome , but you must start somewhere . If elected , I will lay some of the foundation .
China of late has been aggressively pursuing diplomatic and economic relations with the island nations in Micronesia . In your view , what is the potential impact of these developments on Guam ? As Guam ’ s delegate , how would you protect Guam ’ s interests ?
My belief is that Guam ’ s delegate to Congress is also a representative of the region . This was a message I echoed with ( Federated States of Micronesia )
CONTINUED ON PAGE 24 recognition as an important , valuable asset to the United States .
If elected , what top three rights or benefits would you work to secure for Guam ’ s island community ?
My approach to all issues of rights and benefits for the people of Guam is to leverage our true value so that our families are secure , our economy is thriving and our environment is protected .
Everything relative to Guam ’ s relationship with the federal government needs to be tied to Guam ’ s security value to the U . S .
Today , the military operates in ways that prioritize military objectives .
of dollars are being planned for military expenditure in Guam and it is unconscionable that our people are not eligible for Supplemental Security Income .
There are thousands of military personnel prepared to move to Guam , and it is baffling that buying a home , or renting one , is out of reach for our residents .
Do you think Guam should limit the political status plebiscite to native inhabitants ? What would be your plan of action for Guam to have the opportunity to decide its political status and enact or adopt its own constitution ?
It is a sad historical fact that Guam has been subjected to the longest , uninterrupted colonial history on earth . The question of Guam ’ s political status then was a decision that belonged to those who have been colonized in Guam . The only colonized population in Guam are the CHamoru .
A constitution before a decision on Guam ’ s sovereign status may confuse the questions around Guam ’ s political status and we must be aware of the implications that follow .
As has been seen in both Puerto Rico and the CNMI , the adoption of a constitution has been used to portray their status as “ self-governing ” even though both remain an “ unincorporated territory ” under U . S . law and subject to the plenary power of Congress .
China of late has been aggressively pursuing diplomatic and economic relations with the island nations in Micronesia . In your view , what is the potential impact of these developments on Guam ? As Guam ’ s delegate , how would you protect Guam ’ s interests ?
It is clear that China is attempting to develop relations in areas where U . S . policies have resulted in underdeveloped relationships . In the case of Micronesia , we see the result of underdevelopment in relationships with the U . S . in the high rate of people from those