Social Media and You Vol. 6 No, 7 July 2022 | Page 25


Camacho - Ada ...
collective communities and offer solutions to best serve our people .
The Guam Memorial Hospital is
Leon Guerrero - Tenorio ...
inadequate and ill-equipped to meet
tor , our administration will support the
Department of Administration , Guam
Department of Public Health and Social
Services and the Guam Department of
Labor as the first three agencies to modernize their respective websites and online services .
Guam plays a key role in the U . S . political strategy in Asia and the Indo-Pacific region . Do you believe that
Guam is being treated fairly and justly compensated for the role it has been given ?
We believe that Guam is being treated fairly . The Camacho-Ada administration will prioritize work with the federal government to include the White House ,
Department of Defense , Department of the Interior and the regional offices of the executive branch agencies to protect the work on Guam ’ s military buildup that was started over a decade ago .
We will keep the interests of original landowners ’ front of mind , especially with the federal government ’ s return of any excess lands to GovGuam .
We will leverage the assets of the Guam
National Guard to increase the force posture in Micronesia and encourage the expansion of Guard resources to support the front line of defending American interests here in the Western Pacific .
The use of illicit and controlled substances has increased on island . How would you control the entry of illicit drugs and how would you curb drug use on island ?
We will direct all law enforcement agencies to prioritize drug interdiction in Guam and in collaboration with the attorney general of Guam to prosecute all violent drug offenders to the fullest extent of the law .
Our administration will make policy recommendations to support evidence-based programs to support drug offenders that are working the best and prioritize funding for those across our law enforcement agencies .
We will discuss these related problems with leaders from across the region to find wholesale solutions to drug use in our
the hospital needs of the island . What would be your plan of action to solve this problem ? Please provide a timeline .
In the first 100 days , our administration will prioritize the modernization of
GMH at a new location . We will direct the
Department of Public Works , Guam Department of Land Management , GSA and
GMH to find alternatives in our hospital district of Tamuning to build a new hospital and find a suitable use for the current
GMH , which could include an expansion of the Department of Public Health or
Guam Behavioral and Wellness Center .
We would like to begin the design of a new hospital in year two with construction to begin near the end of the first term .
The recent mass shooting in Uvalde ,
Texas has once again highlighted the tragic consequences of the absence of coherent regulations for the acquisition , possession and use of firearms . What is your position about the right to bear arms ? How would you ensure that the members of Guam ’ s community are protected from irresponsible and illegal use of firearms ?
We should always protect our rights under the Constitution , including the right to bear arms . Guam laws relative to gun usage are very strict . We will continue to urge gun retailers to follow all federal statutes and keep gun safety education top of mind .
During your first term as governor , you mentioned about your dream of seeing the unification of Guam and the CNMI . If elected governor again , would you finally initiate the process to get close to this goal ?
This is a process that cannot be done alone . Our administration will engage the leaders of the Northern Marianas to discuss it further .
In these changing times , all avenues to strengthen our position and meaningful dialogue to this end will be important to what the future of our region will be . This process must be driven by a community effort for a Constitutional Convention .
Guam plays a key role in the U . S . political strategy in Asia and the
Indo-Pacific region . Do you believe that Guam is being treated fairly and justly compensated for the role it has been given ?
My greatest focus is to provide national security for our people in this part of the region . That is why from day one , I have made a commitment to improving our working relationship with the U . S . military . I recognize the strength of our geographic location in the whole of geopolitical politics and policies .
They understand that I am very supportive of the military buildup , with conditions – that they are to respect our environment , our culture , our people , and our land and ocean .
The use of illicit and controlled substances has increased on the island , causing families economic hardship , a rise in burglaries and thefts , and even an increase in the suicide rate on island . How would you control the entry of illicit drugs and how would you curb illegal drug use on island ?
Stronger visibility deters crime and helps support safer streets . I continue to provide our law enforcement officers with the necessary resources and tools for them to do their job .
In the last three years , we ’ ve seen an increase in the interdiction of crystal methamphetamine – 400 lbs . to be exact — as a result of this action .
We are also providing more customs officers to monitor port entries into our island , both airport and seaport . We have invested in more drug-sniffing dogs , and equipment that can detect illegal drugs , including X-rays , and we are in the process of building a customs facility at the port . We have also invested millions into treatment , a detox unit , and community outreach , and we continue working with GPD and our neighborhood watches islandwide .
We are also working with non-profits that assist with treatment , outreach , and rehabilitation . We ’ ll be providing cottage homes in Talofofo and standing up a New Beginnings Center .
The Guam Memorial Hospital is inadequate and ill-equipped to meet the hospital needs of the island . What is your plan of action to solve this problem ? Please provide a timeline .
We will build a medical complex center that will house all aspects of a healthcare delivery system , including a state-of-the-art hospital , a public health center , a veteran ’ s clinic , and a Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center .
We are in the process of securing the property from the federal government , and we expect this lease to occur by September 2022 . We expect the groundbreaking of a public health laboratory by December 2022 . We expect a groundbreaking for the hospital by the end of the calendar year 2023 . A veterans clinic will follow by 2024 , and the GBHWC by 2025 .
I know this is an aggressive agenda , but I am confident in our ability to meet these deadlines .
The recent mass shooting in Uvalde , Texas has once again highlighted the consequences of the absence of a coherent regulation for acquisition , possession , and use of firearms . What is your position on the right to bear arms ? How would you ensure that the members of Guam ’ s community are protected from irresponsible and illegal use of firearms ?
I am in support of the right to bear arms with restrictions and conditions . Those conditions are background checks and mandated gun safety courses . Only then can a person obtain a firearms ID and be sold a gun .
In the past , you made public statements that Guam was “ ready for independence .” Do you still have the same opinion ? Do you think Guam is ready to stand on its own ?
As governor , I refrain from taking a position , and as chair of the Commission on Decolonization , I must maintain a neutral stance .