SOBREVIVI March 2014 | Page 7

In Memory Of… Goodbye is easy to say when we are sure we will see that person again, sooner or later. But that word changes its meaning at the moment we are sure that that person is in a critical state were her or his heart stops beating forever. In that moment is when people realize death is a destiny and no matter what we do it is part of life. Some people say goodbye sooner than others but still it is difficult to accept it and move on with your life. People dies in different ways some are because of healthy issues, others die because of that’s what God wanted and it is unexplainable. 8 In this case Sobrevivi magazine wants to remember all relatives that had died and meaned the world or just a little part of someone’s life. Through the years humanity has had many unfortunate events such as the Holocaust , World Wars, slavery, plane crashes , Atomic bombs , and others mostly caused by humans. And all of these events are attached with death, sadness and devastating feelings. Humans must try to see the bright sight of death, maybe that person is happier after death than in life and they are taking care of us wherever they are, with all their love.