SOBREVIVI March 2014 | Page 8

Here we wrote some names of people that died in the Fairchild or in los Andes... With the deepest sadness we said goodbye to our lovely friend We say goodbye to an amazing person, friend and relative MARCELO PEREZ ENRIQUE PLATERO That died in los Andes because of a plane crash, he was the Capitan of the Uruguayanrugby team Known because of his courage, attitude and perseverance, that died in los Andes because of a plane crash. With sadness and lots of love we say goodbye to To the amazing Wife, mother, women and friend SUSANA AND EUGENIA PARRADO LILIANA METHOL We say goodbye, we will always remember you, thanks for being part of our life Amazing sister, daughter and wife, we will miss them and our hearts will always be near them We didn’t meet her much but she will always be in our hearts Today we say goodbye to our beloved friend TURCATTI SEÑORA MARIANI An amazing person that unfonurtably died in the Fairchild, because of his health She never gave up, no matter the circumstances God will always be with you 9