Snoring & Sleep Apnea No More PDF / Book Free Download Snoring & Sleep Apnea No More By David Ortega | Page 36

Yet , as the old saying goes : knowing is half the battle ; and you now know , beyond a doubt , that snoring can be treated without resorting to surgical methods .
Remember , too , that this doesn ’ t mean that surgery is inherently bad ; of course it isn ’ t . It has its place ; though , for many snorers , that place isn ’ t at the top of their “ possible solutions ” list . Instead , taking up at least the first dozen spots can be the array of nonsurgical solutions that have been provided in this book .
The next step for you ( whether you ’ re a snorer , or reading this to help the snoring of someone you live with ) is to explore further the particular non-surgical options that could make a lasting impact in your ( or your snorer ’ s ) life .
Here is a quick recap of the numerous non-surgical remedies that can literally transform an unbearable problem into a non-issue almost immediately !
✔ Monitoring potential food allergies that lead to congestion and breathing difficulties
✔ Losing excess weight to tone the skin around the neck and chin
✔ Using a Sleep Position monitor to prevent sleeping on the back
✔ Performing simple and effective throat exercises
✔ Creating a soothing and stress free sleeping environment