Snoring & Sleep Apnea No More PDF / Book Free Download Snoring & Sleep Apnea No More By David Ortega | Page 37

As always, it’s necessary that you use your own judgment and common sense when researching and possibly purchasing and using an anti-snoring product and/or service (such as acupuncture, for example). It’s also good advice to obtain several opinions to ensure that well-meaning medical experts are not unintentionally persuading to pick a particular option that works best for them. The solution that you choose for yourself, or for someone that you live with, must be unique and suited to your (or your beloved snorer’s) specific lifestyle needs, preferences, and tolerances. For example, some people simply won’t be able to use a snore ball; but nasal strips could be their (and your!) ticket out of sleeping madness. Talk to medical professionals, and read product reviews; remember, too, that even within a particular device or remedy, several different brands may exist, and each one may offer something slightly different (i.e. the device may be available in different materials, the spray may be available in different potencies, and so on). Clearly, as you know now, there are a myriad of non-surgical anti-snoring choices waiting for you to explore, and to benefit from for the long-term (snore free) future. Knowing really is half the battle; the other half is taking action. Now, armed with the knowledge that you need to move ahead, you can plan your solutions, and see the light at the end of that tunnel of Z’s. 37