Snoring & Sleep Apnea No More PDF / Book Free Download Snoring & Sleep Apnea No More By David Ortega | Page 34

quality information, both referrals and literature. Some of the most popular anti-snoring alternative remedies are noted below. • Warm Beverages Before Bedtime Drinking warm beverage just before bedtime has proven to be effective for a number of snorers. Adding a small amount of honey to the water can help coat the walls of the trachea. Some people have even found that combining honey, warm water, and apple cider vinegar creates a rather potent, yet non-addictive and non-fattening anti-snoring drink. Herbal tea, particularly the kind labeled “Breathe Easy” (or anything that promotes an unclogged airway) can help prevent snoring. Some of these teas can also contain chamomile or other herbs that promote sleeping. Bear in mind, however, that if the snorer becomes too relaxed, then while sleep may occur quite readily, it’s important to remember that sleep isn’t the problem: snoring is the problem! So don’t necessarily choose herbal teas that promote drowsiness or “sleepiness”; for snorers, any herbal tea that will clear the airflow/trachea should help alleviate some snoring. • Relaxation Techniques As noted above, stress can be a factor in causing snoring. We’ve discussed how reducing external stress, in the form of sound and light, can potentially help alleviate snoring (as strange as that may seem). Yet in addition to this, there are (of course) other forms of stress: the kind that builds up at our jobs, or while we’re stuck in traffic, or filling out our tax returns, and so on. This kind of stress can be equally damaging to the snorer; and various relaxation techniques, such as: 34