SMU Guildhall Graduate Catalog 2022 — Cohort 30 2022 | 页面 5


Elizabeth Stringer
Deputy Director , Academics


The highly dynamic video game industry requires developers who possess not only broad and diverse skillsets but also deep knowledge and mastery of their craft . To this end , each student is afforded the opportunity to investigate areas of personal interest within his or her area of specialization , and creates a set of individual works which further exercise and demonstrate the student ’ s level of mastery . projects , further demonstrating rigorous research , detailed methodology , and critical analysis .
We are very proud of our students and advising faculty for their hard work . Their results are a testimony to the power of ingenuity and personal discipline . We invite you to discover for yourself the creativity and capability of our students .
This catalog showcases two such outlets for these efforts : Directed Focus Studies ( DFS ) and Master of Interactive Technology ( MIT ) thesis projects . These portfolio pieces embody a passion to balance beauty with efficiency and aim to enrich practical skill with innovative thinking . An academic thesis accompanies MIT