The procedures for identifying and placing students in the gifted program are governed by the Georgia State Department of Education .
If a student participated in a gifted program in the past , a gifted eligibility form must be submitted to the gifted lead teacher at the student ’ s school . Cobb County honors gifted eligibility established by all Georgia school districts . Students who are not currently eligible for Georgia gifted services may be referred by any individual with knowledge of the student ’ s abilities . If testing is appropriate , the local school shall obtain written consent for testing from parents or guardians . Please refer to Form IDDD-1 for more information .
ACADEMIC HONOR RECOGNITION Students receive special recognition for achieving the following :
• Principal ’ s Honor Roll : All A ’ s + all S ’ s in conduct + no referrals
• Cardinal Honor Roll : A ’ s and B ’ s + all S ’ s in conduct + no referrals
• Perfect Attendance : No absences or tardies to school
PROMOTION / PLACEMENT / RETENTION To earn promotion to the next grade level , the student must meet all the following criteria : ( 1 ) Pass math , English / language arts and one additional core subject for the year ( 2 ) Earn a combined overall passing average for all scheduled courses for the year ; and ( 3 ) Demonstrate an appropriate level of reading comprehension as measured by a Lexile score .
Placement decisions will be made on an individual basis . For students who are in jeopardy of retention or placement , the principal or designee shall implement a process to determine whether each student will be retained or placed based on a review of the overall academic achievement . Factors considered include , but are not limited to : ( a ) Standardized test scores ( b ) Learning ability of student ( c ) Previous interventions ( d ) Previous retentions ( e ) Age and maturity of student ( f ) Attendance ( g ) Teacher recommendation
Placement = students who did not meet the established academic criteria in the current grade but are placed in the next grade level based on a variety of factors in the best interest of the student
Retention = students who did not meet the established academic criteria in the current grade and are retained in that grade for another year
Communication will be sent to the families of those students who may be in danger of failing . Additionally , Academic Intervention Meetings for students and families will be conducted by the principal or designee at various points during the school year to review