Smitha Guidebook 24-25 current | Page 11

GRADE REPORTING & GRADE SCALE We strongly encourage students and their families to monitor academic performance consistently . Progress reports and report cards are posted to ParentVue according to the dates on the Cobb County School Staff Use calendar .
Grading Scale
A :
B :
C :
D :
F :
69 and below
Conduct Grades Smitha Middle School encourages self-discipline in each student as well as respect toward peers , teachers , and staff . As a part of the Positive Behavior Intervention and Support ( PBIS ) program , teachers monitor student behavior using a point system . Teachers record points in their gradebooks . Both point totals and conduct grades are accessible through both ParentVue and StudentVue each grading period .
Teacher Response
1 point
individual student redirection
2 points
individual student redirection and contact family
3 points
family call home
4 points
school-wide detention
5 points
student & stakeholder conference
6 points
office referral
The following guidelines will be used in administering conduct grades :
Satisfactory : Conduct that generally follows classroom and school rules that does not interfere with the learning of others .
Needs Improvement : Conduct that frequently causes class disruptions and does not always conform to classroom and school rules .
Unsatisfactory : Conduct that consistently causes class disruptions that interfere with the learning of others , and which often does not conform to classroom and school rules .
Conduct Grade Satisfactory Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory
Points 1 -- 2 points 3 -- 5 points 6 + points
Gifted Program The curriculum for the Gifted Program meets the Cobb County performance standards while providing a differentiated curriculum based on the needs of the students . Students are served daily in a content-based English language arts , math , social studies , and or science program with a teacher who is certified .